Birthday Slip

This week in Pathways

Dear Parents,

Our tigers have been busy this week solving math problems, choosing paths to reach the finish line, and sharing details about their favorite books. Their creativity continues to shine through their activities. They have been enjoying the Pathways PEP, which began this week.

If you need to contact the teacher assigned to your child or have any questions regarding the Pathways PEP, please find their email addresses below:

Robotics: Ms. Yuslly Lin and Ms. Ashley Lin (,

Tiny Picassos: Ms. Hannah G. Saga(

Pathways in Movement: Ms. Anabelen Aragon (

We also want to ask you to bring a plant to school and keep an extra set of uniform in your child's backpack.

Thank you for your cooperation and support!

With care,

Pathways Team

Weekly Learning Goals & Tasks

English Literacy

Learning Goal

What’s something fun you like about coming to school every day?

What readers & writers are doing at school...

We engage in interactive read-alouds, connect to the events in the stories, and share similar experiences from our own lives.

What readers & writers could be doing at home...

Create and share their own stories with family members through drawing or storytelling.

Spanish Literacy

Learning Goal

What is your favorite part?

What readers & writers are doing at school...

Identifying their favorite part of a story

What readers & writers could be doing at home...

Read aloud with family and discuss the events and characters in the story.


Learning Goal

Can you scoop numbers?

What mathematicians are doing at school...

Students will practice number recognition, counting, and fine motor skills through the engaging activity of scooping and counting different numbers of objects.

What readers & writers could be doing at home...

Create a tray with small objects like beads, pasta, or buttons. Have kids scoop up a certain number of objects and then count them out loud.

Science or Social Studies

Learning Goal

What makes you unique?

What tigers are doing at school...

Children will explore and celebrate their own and others' unique qualities by discussing and sharing what makes them special.

What tigers could be doing at home...

Children draw self-portraits at home using crayons, markers, or natural materials. Encourage them to include special features or things they love, like their favorite clothes or accessories.

Social Emotional Learning Program

Learning Goal

Friends and Learners will learn about the tiger goals and feel valued as individuals and members of the group.

What friends and learners are doing at school...

Friends and learners will learn the tiger goal of listening and following instructions 

What friends and learners could be practicing at home...

Friends and learners can practice at home helping with home chores that involve following simple steps such as watering plants, folding clothes and preparing easy snacks

Unit 1 - InterACTions

"I am Pathways": August 15th - September 6th


Upcoming Events

AUG. 26TH - SEP. 5TH

MAP Testing


Feedback Folders sent Home


Primary School Open House


Home Communication Plan Sent Home


Special Announcement


Ms. M

Pathways A

Ms. Yamila

Pathways B

Ms. Karla

Pathways C

Ms. Mary

Music & Movement



Children at this young age thrive in a joyful, fun-filled environment where their days are filled with laughter, song, and love.


Children connect best with real and authentic learning experiences that are grounded in nature, family, and community.

Outdoor Mapping

Children at this young age are fascinated with nature and how the world works, so we want them to explore, discover, question, and research their world.