Birthday Slip

This week in Pathways

Dear Families,

This week, the children had a great time creating their own puppets and bringing their stories to life. They stepped into the shoes of their characters, explored their creativity, and developed storytelling skills in a fun and meaningful way.

Next week, we will continue fostering their imagination through movement. The children will use their own bodies to perform stories and explore numerical concepts in a dynamic and playful manner.


- If you haven’t completed the swimming survey yet, we would greatly appreciate it if you could take a moment to do so.

- Please do not bring Toys to school, this can distract students from exploring classroom materials, and it is interfering with their relationship skills. (Sharing becomes a challenge.)

- Growing Problem Solver Workshop on February 10th at 7am in the Science and Innovation Center, Please enter through gate 4.

-Jornada Dariana Celebration,  February 19th. This is an internal activity where students are invited to wear Guipil and Cotona.

Thank you for your support, 

Pathways Team

Weekly Learning Goals & Tasks

English Literacy

Learning Goal

How Can You Use Your Body to Tell a Story?

What readers & writers are doing at school...

Through gestures, facial expressions, and movement, children will learn to convey emotions, actions, and story elements without words. This activity enhances their communication skills, creativity, and confidence while making storytelling an interactive and engaging experience.

What readers & writers could be doing at home...

At home, kids can create a "Body Storytelling Adventure" by using gestures, facial expressions, and movements to act out a story without words. They can choose a theme, like a jungle or space adventure, and perform the story using their body. Afterward, they can reflect on how their actions and expressions tell the story, boosting creativity and nonverbal communication skills.

Spanish Literacy

Learning Goal

¿Qué historias podrías contar en un campamento?

What readers & writers are doing at school...

En esta actividad, los niños usarán una caja con diferentes personajes que sacarán al azar. Juntos, crearán una historia en la que cada personaje tendrá un papel importante. Al combinar su creatividad y trabajar en equipo, los niños inventarán una aventura única, fomentando la imaginación, la expresión verbal y el trabajo colaborativo.

What readers & writers could be doing at home...

Puedes reforzar esta actividad pidiéndole a tu hijo que invente una historia utilizando el titere que creo en clase.


Learning Goal

If you could create a story with numbers, how would it be?

What mathematicians are doing at school...

In this activity, children create a story using numbers as characters or key elements. Each number can represent a character, object, or action in the story. For example, the number 5 could be a brave hero, and the number 3 could be a mysterious creature. As they build their story, kids use their imagination to connect numbers with creative events, boosting their storytelling skills and understanding of numbers in a fun way.

What readers & writers could be doing at home...

They can write numbers on pieces of paper and hide them around the house. As children find the numbers, they create a story using the numbers they collect, turning them into characters or events in their adventure. This helps reinforce both storytelling and number concepts in a fun and interactive way.

Science or Social Studies

Learning Goal

How are you going to sell your food in your restaurant?

What tigers are doing at school...

In this activity, children will imagine they own a restaurant and create a plan to sell their food. They’ll think about the menu, how to attract customers, and what makes their food special. This helps develop creativity, business thinking, and communication skills.

What tigers could be doing at home...

At home, parents can create a "Mini Restaurant" by helping their child design a menu and set up a play area where they can serve family members as customers. Children can practice selling their "food," learning about pricing, communication, and creativity. 

Social Emotional Learning Program

Learning Goal

Getting to Know One Another 

What friends and learners are doing at school...

We will learn the importance of getting to know each other, and how finding commonalities and differences can help us understand and appreciate each other more.

What friends and learners could be practicing at home...

Discuss this question: "What is something new you learned about a classmate today?"

Unit 4 - InterACTions

"Story Workshop": January 13th - January 31st


Upcoming Events


Valentine's Day Celebrations


Feedback Folders Sent Home


Special Announcements

Parent Engagement

Photo Package


Ms. Hannah

Pathways A

Ms. Yamila

Pathways B

Ms. Karla

Pathways C

Ms. Nylda

Pathways D

Ms. Mary

Music & Movement



Children at this young age thrive in a joyful, fun-filled environment where their days are filled with laughter, song, and love.


Children connect best with real and authentic learning experiences that are grounded in nature, family, and community.

Outdoor Mapping

Children at this young age are fascinated with nature and how the world works, so we want them to explore, discover, question, and research their world.