How can I represent a tree
with these materials?
Obj. 7a, 9a, 9d, 21a, 21b
Find medium-sized cardboard, bottle caps (you can recycle the materials), scissors, glue, and paint (optional).
Gather additional decorations you see in your surroundings.
Cut the cardboard into pieces to become parts of the tree.
Decorate your tree using your artistic self.
Powerful InterACTions:
What shapes do you want to cut out of the cardboard?
I wonder how many bottle caps you will use, let’s count.
Let’s start gluing! Where shall we place the pieces? (You can prompt spatial relationships)
How will you add the bottle caps?
What do they represent in the tree?
What does this tree make you think of?
Language Strategy:
Verbal comprehension - Attribute terms