Can you add elements
into your friend's drawing?
Obj. 20a, 20b, 8b,9a, 10b, M1,M2, M10
TLLS: Visualisation/Rehearsal
Find one of your friend’s drawings.
Find a place to sit down.
Get markers, crayons and paper
Get ready to get creative to the max!
What are some things that you like about this drawing? Super! I love that you noticed. Why did you like that? Tell me more…
How many elements can you count in this drawing?
What do you think you can recommend to add to this story? I like your thinking, tell me more.
Let’s find paper for you to create your own story inspired by your friend’s drawing.
Love it! How many elements can you find in your story?
What is this behind…, next to…behind that?
Language Strategy:
Visual connection: Teach and model how to visualize the steps.