What can naure give
me to make a boat?
Obj. 8b, 14a, 21a, 22a
Take a nature walk and turn on your eyes to be extra vigilant, look out for: tree bark, lumber scraps, fallen sticks, green stems, and sturdy leaves.
Carve out a small hole for the hull for your mast.
Fit a twig into the hole.
Add a leaf for a sail, and any details you’d like.
Set sail!
What material can we use as the base of the boat? Why?
Let’s observe to see what side would go up, how can we decide?
What details do you want to add to your boat?
What shapes do you notice in your boat?
After you launched your boat:
What adjustments do you need to make?
How did your boat sail?
Can you create a story from this experience?
Estrategias de lenguaje:
Shifting Focus of Attention