Pathways Game Board
Obj. 8b,9a,12b,14a
Get your Pathways Game Board, a dice, a couple of figurines (small toys), and go outside
Roll the dice
Recognize the number you rolled then move your figurine (one or both, whichever you want!) along your favorite route counting out loud
Tell a story about the adventure the figurines go on!
Roll again for more adventures
Draw the story you have just made up in your floorbook.
Have fun, be creative and enjoy the outdoors.
Use two dice and count all the way to 10. Add new characters to your story.
Can you count for me as you move your characters?
Who are your characters?
What route are you choosing for them to take?
Can you tell me a little about the story of your characters?
Hmmmm, that is so interesting, what happened next?
How does your story end?