How high can you count?
Obj. 11b, 20a, 20b, 20c
Find objects from around your house to count (toys, food, small loose parts, kitchen utensils, etc.)
Explore counting groups.
First make a group of 3, then 5, then 8, then 10. Can you make a larger group?
Have fun counting and comparing the groups you create.
What objects do you want to count?
Can you make some small groups? How about 3 and 5? Which one has more? How do you know?
Do you know how to count to 10? Show me!
I see you touching each object as you count, that’s a good strategy…you can also move each object as you count it to one side, like this.
Let’s play a game, close your eyes and I’ll put some objects in front of you and then you can count! Ready…1, 2, 3…close your eyes (put a challenging amount that you think is around the highest the child can count and adjust from there).
Let’s draw some pictures of your groups! I’ll get out the number cards so we can see the numbers you counted.
I heard you counted a group of 7 (show number 7). Can you draw that group?