How can you make
elephant toothpaste?
Obj. 8b, 9a, 12b, 22a
Gather your materials: 2 tbsp hot water,1 tsp. yeast, ½ cup hydrogen peroxide, liquid dish soap, food coloring, plastic bottle, small plastic mixing container, spoon, funnel, measuring spoons (tsp and tbsp).
First, Pour ½ a cup of hydrogen peroxide in your bottle using a funnel.
Second, in a small cup mix 1 tsp yeast and 2 tbsp warm water. Mix and mix until all the yeast is well absorbed.
Third, Add 2-3 drops of food coloring to the bottle and some liquid dish soap.
Fourth, Get your observation skills ready: Slow Down....... Stay Focused ....... Pay attention to details
Fifth, add the yeast mixture and observe.
Use your floorbook to draw your observations.
Let’s look at the measuring utensils: ½ cup, 1 tbsp, 1 tsp. What do you notice?
Tell me about what you remember from the five steps. Do you remember what was first, second, third, fourth, fifth?
What did you observe? What did it remind you of?
Let's reflect: Grab a journal and some writing utensils. Draw about:
your observations
the steps of making elephant toothpaste
what you liked most about the experiment