Can you create camouflage
art to tell a story?

Obj. 9a, 9d, 11e, 14a


  1. Converse about camouflage.

  2. Explore outside to find materials to make a camouflaged environment.

  3. Paint a background on paper or cardboard to build your camouflage art.

  4. Create an insect or animal that you could camouflage in your findings.

  5. Have fun creating your art!

  6. Tell the stories that come to life in your art.


  • What do you know about camouflage? Where have you seen camouflage?

  • Where do you want to look for your materials to make your camouflage art?

  • How do you imagine your background?

  • What an original idea!

  • Tell me about what is on top, on the sides and on the bottom.

  • Where are you going to locate your animals/insects?

  • What stories are coming to life in your art?