Can you make ants
dance and snakes wiggle?

Obj. 8b, 11d, 12b, 22a


Scientists, get ready to observe: Slow Down… Stay Focused…Pay attention to details Gather your materials: baking soda, vinegar, warm water, a clear glass, scissors, raisins and gummy worms.


  1. Fill the glass ½ way with warm water.

  2. Add 1 heaping tablespoon of baking soda in the water and stir until dissolved.

  3. Add 6 raisins and observe.

  4. Pour vinegar into the glass until it is almost full and observe.


  1. Cut worms in ½ length wise (smaller if you can).

  2. Add warm water to a clear glass and 3 tablespoons of baking soda and stir until dissolved. Let them sit for 20 minutes (put on a timer).

  3. Fill another glass ½ way with vinegar.

  4. When the 20 minutes is up, take out worms one by one and drop into the vinegar and observe.


  • Let’s talk about the materials. Tell me what you know about them. What questions do you have?

  • Let’s look at the steps…How many steps are there for each experiment?

  • Have you done any other experiments with baking soda and vinegar? Tell me about it. (They have…volcanoes).

  • Let’s get out your floorbook and reflect. Can you draw what you observed? What else do you want to draw about?