How tall is your name?

Obj. 22a, 20b,23


  1. Gather some linking cubes or legos, an adult can write the letters of your name on them. One letter per cube/legos.

  2. Find the letters in your name and put them together.

  3. Build your name.

  4. Invite a friend or family member to build his/her name too.


  • How many cubes/legos are there in your name?

  • Now look at ___ name. How many cubes/legos are there in his/her name?

  • Hmm, I wonder which one is taller.

  • You are right, ___ name is taller.

  • How many more cubes/legos does ___ have?

  • Can you find something in the room that is as tall as your name?

  • Can you find something in the room that is shorter than your name?

  • Can you find something in the room that is taller than your name?