How does water walk?
Obj. 11d, 11e,7a, 7b,22a
Let’s bring our scientist side out!
Set your two (or more) identical glasses about 2 inches apart. Pour water into one of the cups until it’s halfway full.
Add a few drops of your favorite food coloring to the water.
Stir the food coloring until the water is one color.
Take a strip of paper towel and fold it until it’s 1 to 2 inches wide.
Place one end of the paper towel strip into the colored water and the other end into the empty glass. Let them sit for one hour.
Return to the glass and observe what happened.
What do you notice?
Do you think water can walk as fast as you do?
Who can walk as fast as water?
Does the glass have the same amount of water as it did at the beginning? Why is that? Tell me more
What color do you get when ___ and ___ mix?
Do you want to try mixing other colors?