Can you play a dice game?
Obj. 3a, 8b, 20a, 20b, 20c
Get ready to play Point Number! Gather two dice per player (or take turns using the dice) and one for the middle of the table and paper and pencil to keep score.
Roll the dice in the middle of the table. That is the point number; each time a player rolls that number they win a point.
Take turns rolling the two dice. If you match the point number you get one point (if both dice roll the point number you get two).
Keep the score together on a piece of paper, making one line for each point under the player's name.
First player to 11 wins. (You can also play to a lower or higher number!).
Enrichment: Make up your own dice game!
Let’s review the rules together.
Let’s roll the middle dice and see which number is the Point Number! Go…do you recognize this number?
We are going to take turns, you can go first.
Did you roll the point number?
How many points do you have now? How many more do you need to win? Who has more points?
I’m having so much fun playing with you!
What other games could we play using the dice? Let’s think of the rules.