Recreating Scenarios

Obj. 12b, 9d, 21a


  1. Gather your materials: old family pictures, paper, crayons, markers, and any other art materials that inspire you.

  2. Choose a picture. Look at it closely.

  3. Create a new scenario for the picture.

  4. Add as many extra details as you need.

  5. Have fun!


  • Which picture did you choose?

  • Who is in this picture?

  • Do you remember what happened that day?

  • That sounds fun. Now, let's think of a new story using this picture.

  • Where will it take place?

  • What is happening in this new story? Tell me more

  • Great, now let’s draw it so we can glue the picture in the new scenario.

  • Where should the picture go? On the top of the mountain, behind the trees, next to the lake?