Shoes, Shoes,

Obj. 20a, 20b, 22, 23


  1. Let’s gather different pairs of shoes and put them together.

  2. Let’s prepare our area where we can observe and play with your shoes.

  3. Let’s now classify them.

  4. Let’s look for different patterns.

  5. Make sure you put the shoes back and wash your hands when done. You can use our song if you’d like.


  • Let’s go around and collect some shoes from everyone in the house.

  • How many shoes can you count in all?

  • Do you know what a pair is? How many pairs can you make?

  • Let’s try to make groups with the shoes. How would you classify them? Can you tell me why?

  • Let’s look for some patterns on your shoes. What do you observe?

  • Let’s measure the shoes using paper clips or connecting cubes.

  • Hmmm interesting, let’s now create a story with the shoes. What story does it live in your shoes?