Picture Time!

Obj. 8b, 7a, 9a, 10a, 11e, 12b, 14a


  1. Gather small items, paper and a creative mindset.

  2. Let’s make a picture frame.

  3. Use the objects you’d gathered and make a picture.

  4. Take a picture of your creation

  5. Draw a story of your creation on paper.


  • Hey, I’d like to invite you today to find some items. What small items can we use to “make” a picture with them?

  • Do you know what a picture frame is? What shape would you like to use to make one? Have you thought of the materials you want to use to create one?

  • Interesting.. What shape is that again? Do you know why? What are some characteristics of that shape?

  • OK, great! What would you like to start with? I see you are mixing these materials. That is an interesting choice. What do they represent?

  • Your picture looks super good. Let’s get a camera and capture that moment.

  • Can you imagine what happened in this picture? What story lives in this picture?

  • Let’s make a dawn so we don’t forget the story!