What happens when circles and patterns meet?

Obj. 20a, 20b, 22a, 23


  1. Let’s gather different circles we can play with.

  2. Let’s put them in different containers and classify them in groups.

  3. Find a piece of paper, mirror or placemat you can use as a base.

  4. Let the fun begin!


  • Let’s go around and collect some circles in the house.

  • How can we classify them? Why? Oh I like your thinking!

  • How many groups did you make? How many items in each group?

  • What happens when the circles meet a pattern?

  • I see you are mixing…?

  • Interesting, can you make a different pattern?

  • Beautiful! Can you create a story on how they met and what happened?

  • Let’s put the story on paper so we don’t forget the details!