Fruit Kabobs

Obj. 7a, 11e, 23


  1. Let’s wash our hands and sing before we gather our ingredientes.

  2. Let's prepare our area and get our favorite fruits from our kitchen. You will need some skewer sticks.

  3. If your fruit is too big you will need to cut it in small pieces. (Under adult supervision)

  4. Consider what design or pattern you want to use for your kabob..

  5. Have fun creating your kabobs!


  • What fruits did you bring for your kabobs? How many fruits do you have in total?

  • Let's compare the sizes. Which is the smallest one? Which is the biggest one?

  • Can you find any shapes in your fruits? Which one? Show me.

  • I noticed you placed the (fruit) first, which fruit will you add next?

  • I noticed a pattern in your fruit kabobs, do you want to make another one with a different pattern?