Colors, Lines
and Feelings
Obj. 1a, 8b, 14a
Get the area ready to work with paper, paint, brushes and an apron.
Think of different feelings you have felt before and try to relate it to a color.
Express as many feelings as you can using colors and lines.
Admire your masterpiece and kiss your brain for working so hard!!
Where would you like to work today? Really? Why?
Let’s think of how you are feeling today? Happy really? What color can you use to express happiness? Oh.. that is so interesting why?
I’ve noticed you made these lines? What do they represent?
Let’s keep on talking about other feelings. Do you remember when you.. (connect the experience to a different feeling) Repeat this step as many times as possible..
Now that you have told me how you felt, what color would you like to choose to represent this feeling? Can you tell me why?