Cleaning Toys!

Obj. 8b,9d,10a,13


  1. Please gather from your house some of your favorite toys. Make sure they are different types.

  2. Place them in a bin outside and add water.

  3. Rinse them, dry tem.

  4. Count and classify.

  5. Use your floorbook to reflect.


  • Would you like to play with me today?

  • Let’s gather different toys, a bind, water and soap to rinse them.

  • Why do you think they need to be washed?

  • Hmm interesting, can you tell me more about that?

  • When we are done, let's rinse them and dry them.

  • How would you make groups with these.

  • Tell me more about your groups.

  • Let’s use your floorbooks to reflect on your findings. Can you draw some of your animals from this group? How about elements about their habitat?

  • Now let’s think about this order group? I like your thinking. I notice you made interesting choices here.

  • Let’s not forget we have to clean up and put the toys back.

  • Thank you for letting me have fun with you.