Pom Pom Scoop

Obj. 20a,20c,23


  1. Gather your materials from your box: pom poms. Gather from home 10 plastic cups and label them from 1 to 10 with a permanent marker..

  2. Place the pom poms in a bucket, sensory bin or any bog container you have at home.

  3. Fill the bucket with water

  4. Gather a big spoon from home and scoop the pom poms according to the cup you choose. One at a time.

  5. Practice adding by completing the amount of pom poms you need to fill each cup.

  6. Don’t forget to enjoy solving problems mathematicians.


  • Let’s label each cup from 1 to 10. What do you think about that?

  • I wonder what would happen to the pom poms once we fill the bucket with water?

  • Hmmm why do you think they’re heavier now?

  • Let’s try to fill each cup by scooping the pom poms.

  • Great technique! I see you have three now, how many more do you need to fill the one that says 5?

  • Let’s keep going...