Enrichment Exploring Weight: Homemade Balance

Obj. 11e, 22a


  1. Gather your materials from around the house: 1 hanger, 2 identical plastic cups, and materials that you can use to compare weight (water, toys, anything from inside or outside of your house that fits into the cups).

  2. Place your hanger in a place it can easily swing.

  3. Find the piece of yarn in the learning kit.

  4. Cut two holes into each plastic cup, one on each size, at the same height on each side.

  5. Cut the string into even pieces and tie them onto the cups, making them into little buckets.

  6. Explore the balance scale!


  • Which items do you want to weigh first?

  • Can you make the two sides balanced, meaning even weight on each size?

  • Let’s weigh these two items...which one do you think weighs more? Why?

  • How do you know when an object is heavier? Lighter?

  • What questions do you have about measuring weight?

  • What else do you want to try?