Activating our 5 Senses Nature Based Style!
Obj. 9a, 1b, 11d
Get a blindfold or something to cover eyes with.
Watch the video about 5 senses on the website and then converse about them!
Today you will turn off your sense of seeing so you can super activate your other 4 senses!
Choose who will go first and whoever will be blindfolded cannot see the items!
The other person will go find some items from outside in nature and food from your kitchen.
Blindfold whoever is going first and see if they can identify the items one at a time using their 4 senses (smell, touch, hear, taste).
Switch turns!
What do you know about your senses? Let’s talk!
What did you learn in the video about your senses?
Smell deeply, listen carefully, taste slowly, feel thoroughly...can you identify the object?
What do you notice about the object?
Which items did you identify correctly?
Which items are the most challenging to identify? Why?