Bubble Painting
Obj. 8b, 11d, 22a
Get your materials ready: straws (learning kit), tape, liquid dish soap, large thick paper (learning kit), paint or food coloring, small recipients to make the bubble paint.
Put a generous amount of liquid dish soap in a container.
Add a tiny bit of water and the color of your choice (paint or food coloring) and stir.
Make as many colors as you want.
Tape a few straws together.
Practice blowing out, as if you were blowing out candles.
Get your paper ready and start creating by dipping the straws into the solution and then blowing them onto the paper.
Feel free to draw on the paper before using the bubble paint to color it in.
What colors do you want to make for your bubble paint?
Go for it! Squeeze the soap in and then add a tiny bit of water.
What are you thinking about creating?
Do you want to draw something first then use the bubble paint?
What happens as the bubbles explode?