I Can Do It Bingo

Independence and Empowerment

Obj. 1b, 1c, 7a


  1. Find the “I Can Do It” Bingo Card in the learning kit.

  2. Observe and converse about the tasks you see on the card with an adult.

  3. Identify the ones you think you can do independently and ones you need to practice to be able to do them independently.

  4. Have fun practicing! Remember, challenges are good for our brain!

  5. Put a sticker on the ones you can do independently!

  6. Film yourself doing them and upload them to Flipgrid or Storypark.


  • What do you see on the “I can do it” Bingo board?

  • Which ones do you already know how to do?

  • Which ones do you want to learn to do?

  • Sometimes it takes lots of practice to learn a skill, I see you are already improving!

  • Do you know what the word independence means? Let’s talk about it!

  • I see you think that was difficult but remember that when we struggle our brain grows. Our brain loves challenges!