Enrichment Balloon Movement Challenge
Obj. 20b, 20c
Challenge 1: Balloon Race Car
Gather your materials: medium sized toy car, tape, straw, balloon
Insert straw into balloon and tape tip of straw onto the mouth of the balloon
Tape the middle of the straw on top of a toy car
Pick up the truck/car/balloon to blow up the balloon through the straw
Cover the straw end with a finger so the air doesn’t come out
Place on the ground, let your finger go and observe what happens!
Challenge 2: Balloon Rocket
Gather your materials: yarn, tape, balloon, straw, scissors (
Put the straw onto the yarn
Tie yarn between two pieces of furniture (chairs, etc.) so that it is tight.
Blow up the balloon, DO NOT tie it
Tape on the blown up balloon to the straw, let it go from one extreme of the string and observe what happens!
Wow, I notice you are being very independent trying to blow up the balloon!
Can you put the string through the straw?
Can you help cut the tape?
What do you think will happen when we let the balloon go?
How do you think we can make the balloon (or car) go faster (or farther)?
What else can we make move with a balloon? Let’s get creative!