River Making/Add a Race
Obj. 11d, 11e, 14b
Gather the PVC pipe ramps.
Place them on an area your child can build ramps to let water flow. We encourage this to be done outside so the river can be part of nature.
Encourage him/her to create a river.
After you are done with the interActions, record a video and upload into Flipgrid.
Don’t forget to enjoy making new things together and enjoying playing outside.
What do you think we can do with these half pipes?
You’re not sure? How about we add some elements like water?
Hmmm what do you think would happen if we lay it flat? Let’s try it.
How can we make the water go down like in a waterfall or river?
Let’s add some toys now and see if they run with the flow of the water? What have you learned? Would you like to name this special place?
Why don’t we add another tube and make a race now.