Thinker Tray

Obj 11d, 11e


  1. Gather the strangest small things you can see around you.

  2. Place them on a tray with compartments if possible.

  3. Encourage him/her to create some inventions.

  4. After you are done with the interActions, take a picture and upload into Flipgrid

  5. Don’t forget to enjoy making new things together. Challenge each other to create another after you are both done with the first invention.


  • What can we gather? Let’s look all over the place to find interesting small things.

  • Hmmm let’s divide our objects into small compartments

  • Let’s be inventors! What would you like to create with some of these?

  • Wow I love it! What is it? How does it work?

  • Let’s take a picture of it so we can share it with your teacher and classmates.

  • Can we make another one? Would you like to see what I can make? Can we create one together?