Shadow Discovery


  1. Go outside on a sunny day.

  2. Intentionally observe all around you, especially focusing on how the sun shines on the objects.

  3. Start carefully observing the shadows around you. Don’t be in a rush, find as many as you can!

  4. Draw the shadows you observe in your floorbook. Try to go outside at different times of the day to observe as many shadows as possible.

Optional Enrichment:

  1. Get some toys to take outside with paper. Set them up so that the shadow is on the paper. Trace the shapes and then color!

  2. Stand outside on the sidewalk and find your shadow. Have someone trace your shadow and color in! Switch and have the child trace someone!


  • Hmmm, what do you know about shadows?

  • What makes shadows? How do you know?

  • Where can you find shadows in nature?

  • How can you place the toy so that the shadow is on the paper?

  • What questions do you have about shadows?

  • How else do you want to explore shadows?