We are the Dinosaurs Song and Costume
Get your costume parts from your box: red claws for your feet and green spikes for your head!
Glue the white nail cut outs onto the red claws
Glue together the green triangles to make spikes (tip: only glue the top part of the triangles)
Get your costume on and get ready to dance!
Watch the video “We are the Dinosaurs” on the virtual InterACTion card.
Have fun dancing! Upload your video to Flipgrid.
Which dinosaurs have spikes? (ankylosaurus, stegosaurus are among the most popular).
Why do you think dinosaurs had spikes?
Dinosaurs had claws just like many other animals. Which other animals can you think of with claws? What do they use them for?
Wow, you are really marching like a dinosaur!
Can I dance with you? This is so much fun! I love spending time with you.