Activating our 5 Senses


  1. Get a blindfold or something to cover eyes with.

  2. Watch the video about 5 senses (website) or converse about the 5 senses.

  3. Choose a sense to start with (hearing, tasting, smelling or feeling).

  4. Choose 3 items for the child to identify for the chosen sense.

  5. Blindfold the child and see if they can identify the items one at a time.

  6. Switch turns and allow the child to choose the 3 objects and blindfold the adult!


  • What do you know about your senses? Let’s talk!

  • What sense should we start with? I’ll blindfold you to see if you can identify the items I chose!

  • Smell deeply, listen carefully, taste slowly, feel thoroughly...can you identify the object?

  • What do you notice about the object?