Rock Tracing


  1. Gather materiales: chalk (from box), small rocks (from garden).

    1. ***If you don’t have small rocks, pasta, beans or coins work too!***

  2. Find a place to use sidewalk chalk outside.

  3. Write a child’s name on the cement.

  4. Have child trace his name with rocks

Further Options:

  1. Trace Numbers or Shapes too!

  2. Students can write with the chalk and trace their own drawings. ***Or letters or numbers if they can write them!***


  • Hmmm, what shapes make up the letter? I see a straight line here, a curve here.

  • What do you notice about this letter?

  • What sound does this letter make?

  • What number is that? Can you count out that amount of rocks?

  • What shapes can you think of to draw?

  • Do you want to try?