Birthday Slip

This week in Pathways

Dear Parents,

We are thrilled that you joined us for the Parent Engagement Workshop! Your participation is vital as we build our wonderful community together.

This week, the children had their yearbook pictures taken—they looked lovely! They also engaged with math stories, showcasing their problem-solving skills, and even created new colors, giving them unique names of their own.

A Few Reminders:

- Please send a plant for our class.

- Keep an extra uniform in your child’s backpack.

- If you have toilet paper rolls and towel paper rolls at home, we would appreciate your contributions.

- Please pack extra snacks for the kids, especially those who stay for after-school.

We’d also like to clarify the purpose of the observation tool that was sent home. The Target Language Level Sheet is designed to help us track your child’s progress throughout the unit, focusing on key areas such as play, attention, verbal comprehension, and expressive language.

Each observation is dated and reflects your child's development over time. Please remember that this is not an assessment; rather, it’s a way for us to understand how each child is growing and learning at their own pace.

In the next unit, you will also receive a math sheet that shows where your child currently stands in their math skills, along with strategies to support their learning at home.

You will receive one Target Language Level Sheet per unit—six in total—and one Early Numeracy sheet per unit starting in Unit 2, making a total of five Early Numeracy sheets for the school year. We will have the opportunity to discuss these observations during the Pathways conference at the end of each trimester.

Thank you for your continued support!

Warm regards,

Pathways Team

Weekly Learning Goals & Tasks

English Literacy

Learning Goal

What do you need to make a mud pie? 

What readers & writers are doing at school...

Children will make mud pies, which encourages creativity and teamwork. They learn to collaborate, share materials, and express their ideas through play.

What readers & writers could be doing at home...

Children can explore nature and make their own mud pies using materials they collect from the outdoors or other items they find at home.

Spanish Literacy

Learning Goal

Lectura: El dia en que descubren quien eres. 

What readers & writers are doing at school...

Los niños aprenderán sobre su identidad y la importancia de aceptarse a sí mismos. Desarrollarán habilidades para expresar sus emociones y fortalecerán su autoestima. Además, comprenderán la diversidad y aprenderán a valorar las diferencias entre las personas.

What readers & writers could be doing at home...

Invita a tu hijo/a a dibujar sobre lo que les gusta y lo que los hace únicos.


Learning Goal

What fun shapes can you make today?

What mathematicians are doing at school...

Children are experimenting with various materials to create fun shapes, enhancing their creativity and spatial awareness.

What readers & writers could be doing at home...

Children could practice making shapes using items like playdough, clay, or even food, encouraging imaginative play. 

Science or Social Studies

Learning Goal

Back to back clapping

What tigers are doing at school...

Children develop teamwork and coordination through back-to-back clapping.

What tigers could be doing at home...

Parents can encourage children to teach their family the back-to-back clapping activity.

Social Emotional Learning Program

Learning Goal

Friends and learners will practice to listen and follow instructions. 

What friends and learners are doing at school...

During community time we are talking about the goal of listening and following instructions. 

What friends and learners could be practicing at home...

Play simon says or dance and freeze and practice listening carefully and following the instructions. 

Unit 2 - InterACTions

"I am Independent": September 30th - October 18th


Upcoming Events

Oct. 1st-11th

School Photos

Oct. 7th

Third Grade Parent Workshop

Oct. 8th

Second Grade Parent Workshop

Oct. 9th

First Grade Parent Workshop

Oct. 16th

11AM Dismissal
for Primary School


Parent Engagement

Photo Package

Get ready for picture day! Our school photo shoot begins Tuesday, October 1st. Pre-order your child's printed photo package today.


Ms. M

Pathways A

Ms. Yamila

Pathways B

Ms. Karla

Pathways C

Ms. Mary

Music & Movement



Children at this young age thrive in a joyful, fun-filled environment where their days are filled with laughter, song, and love.


Children connect best with real and authentic learning experiences that are grounded in nature, family, and community.

Outdoor Mapping

Children at this young age are fascinated with nature and how the world works, so we want them to explore, discover, question, and research their world.